

BIL Luggage

WASHINGTON – To date the FAA has awarded over 25 airports with more than $465 million in grant funding for the replacement or upgrading of baggage handling systems. 


This unique funding program was made possible by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and gives airports the opportunity to make improvements and modernize facilities for a more efficient passenger experience at a moment when some systems are 30 years old and nearing the end of their usefulness.
For example, the Denver International Airport in Colorado was recently awarded $124 million to replace the baggage handling system with a more energy efficient system to accommodate additional passengers. 
With record air travel this month and passenger growth predicted for years to come, the Biden-Harris Administration’s focus remains on investments that can directly improve the passenger experience.
“We’re helping travelers reunite with loved ones quicker, start vacations sooner, and make crucial appointments,” said FAA Associate Administrator for Airports Shannetta Griffin, P.E., on the importance of maintaining and modernizing baggage handling systems. “The last thing anybody wants is the stress of a luggage delay.”


Other examples of airports receiving grants include: 


$639,000 to La Crosse Regional Airport in Wisconsin: This grant funds rehabilitating the existing terminal building baggage handling equipment to allow for the efficient movement of baggage.
$7.4 million to Colorado Springs Municipal Airport in Colorado: This grant funds replacing the existing terminal building baggage handling system that has reached the end of its useful life to provide for more efficient and reliable movement of baggage.


$4.4 million to Lawton-Fort Still Regional Airport in Oklahoma: This grant funds completing the final phase of the terminal modernization and expansion project which includes a new baggage claim area. The terminal modernization and expansion project includes a building expansion with a new baggage claim and meeter-greeter areas, a new and expanded security checkpoint and hold room expansion that accommodates two airline gates. This award will provide funding to complete the final phase, which includes an expanded airline counter, office spaces, conveyor systems for departures, a passenger boarding bridge, and curbside area updates. 
$6.4 million to Harrisburg International Airport in Pennsylvania: This grant funds replacing the baggage handling system with energy efficient components. Additionally, it includes the replacement of drive motors, automatic tag readers, and photo-sensors, with more energy efficient technology.
Funding for this grant comes from the Airport Terminal Program or Airport Infrastructure Grant program created by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. To date, nearly $12 billion of funding has been made available to airports across the country though both programs. Learn more about the full $25 billion in the infrastructure law for airport improvements by visiting
President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law makes a historic investment in our nation’s infrastructure and competitiveness by rebuilding America’s roads and bridges, upgrading and expanding public transit and rail, and modernizing the nation’s ports and airports. To date, the Administration has announced over $461 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding for over 60,000 infrastructure projects across the nation and has mobilized over $898 billion in private sector manufacturing and clean energy investments in the United States. 

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